Conduct and Rights
Professional Code of Conduct
Include reference to code of conduct for the field of practice/professional association/governing body, if any.
Include advisory notices for students in programs that require close contact with faculty or other students. Articulate where physical touch and close proximity with faculty and other students are integral to the educational process. Outline professional contact expectations such as informed consent and professional conduct expected in close-contact settings (e.g., verbal consent before hands-on practice, maintaining professional boundaries, the appropriate use of physical touch during instruction).
Key Policies
- Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy
- Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Procedures
- Human Rights Policy
- Intellectual Property Policy
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Code of Conduct – Complaints Procedures
- Violence Prevention Procedures – Complaints Against Employees
- Violence Prevention Procedures – Complaints Against Students
- Violence Prevention Procedures – Complaints Against Other Community Members