Program Requirements


Graduates at convocation

Program Requirements

Insert any program-specific requirements students must complete or be aware of. 

See the Experiential Learning Requirements section for information on work terms, field placements, clinical placements, or other required experiential learning components.

Course Requirements – Course Outlines

Course outlines specify relevant course learning outcomes to be achieved and assessments that measure achievement of that learning. Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and required learning resources (e.g., textbooks, equipment/materials). Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and learning resources. Course outlines clearly communicate expectations to learners concerning requirements for admission to the course (e.g.., pre- and co-requisites), successful completion of the course, and other course-specific policies and procedures. Ensure you review the course outlines for each of your courses to be aware of requirements and expectations.


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Program Handbook Template 2022-2023 Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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