
Students Requesting Re-Entry to Program

If a Semester 1 student is required to withdraw from the program after not being successful they will need to reapply through the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS).

Students are expected to progress through the program, demonstrating growth and increased competence in their nursing studies. The Nursing core courses in a semester are prerequisites for the student to progress into the next semester. For example: students in Semester 2 must be successful in all Nursing core courses in Semester 2 in order to progress into Semester 3. Concepts and curriculum related to core nursing competencies are scaffolded throughout the program in a way which will enable students to be competent to meet the Entry to Practice competencies at graduation.

NOTE: Important Information Regarding Course Failures:

  • If the student fails any nursing core courses throughout the Practical Nursing program all related corequisites also need to be repeated and completed successfully before progressing to the next term.
  • If a student in Semester 2, Semester 3 or Semester 4 is required to withdraw, terminate or take a leave of absence for more than one semester and wishes to return to the Practical Nursing program they will need to apply through PN Return.

Re-Entry to Program 

Students wishing to re-enter the program are required to submit a notice of intent in writing, by email, to pnreturn@mohawkcollege.ca. The notice of intent to return to the Practical Nursing program should contain the following:

  • Student’s first name and last name (indicate any name change if applicable)
  • Mohawk College student number
  • Last term completed in the PN program, and date completed
  • Term that the student would like to return (for example, Fall 2020)
  • A list of courses that the student will need to register for upon return (refer to your MAP)
  • Identify any academic or non-academic work that has been completed, date and with whom (for example, a reintegration plan).

The notice of intent to return should be submitted at least one semester prior to the commencement of the semester they wish to re-enter. For example: Fall term return letters must be received by first week of Spring/Summer semester.

NOTE: The limit for duration of completion to graduate is double the program length. That means that students registered in a full-time Ontario College Diploma program must complete the Mohawk College PN program requirements within eight academic terms from admission.

For students who are requesting to return to a Professional Practice course, allotment to professional practice placements will be completed after the regular stream students have been placed.

NOTE: Any student returning to the program after any type of leave must make sure all Preplacement documents are still valid for the entirety of the semester they are entering. Students will not be allowed to proceed to placement if these requirements are not met. Any inquiries about Preplacement Services or Non-Academic Requirements should be directed to the Preplacement Office at preplacementservices@mohawkcollege.ca.

If a student is requesting to return into the program, they may be required to complete additional courses. For example: a student enters into the Practical Nursing program with a specific Program of Study (POS) and they re-enter the program they are then aligned with the graduating class of the Program of Study (POS) which may require them to complete additional courses.

Once your notification of intent to return has been received, you will be placed on a waiting list and will be notified as soon as we are able to accommodate you in the program. Please note that the number of students that can be accommodated in any given academic semester is based on many factors which include Professional Practice placement availability and laboratory space availability.

The College reserves the right to deny re-admission for a prescribed period when the separation has occurred as the result of unsatisfactory performance (i.e. compulsory withdrawal). In the case if expulsion for disciplinary reasons, the terms of re-admissions will require approval from the College as outlined in the termination notice, as per the appropriate policies. (see page 6 of Admissions Standards Policy)