
Promotion, Grading and Evaluation System

Visit Mohawk College’s Grading and Evaluation webpage for more detail.

In your MyMohawk account, view the Academics Tab. This is where you will find:

  • Quicklinks
  • Academic Profile
  • My Grades
  • How to apply for course exemption
  • And much more

Promotion from one level/semester to the next will be determined according to departmental requirements and procedures. Please refer to individual program promotion requirements. 

E – Exemption

The Associate Dean may grant an exemption for a course within his/her responsibility in recognition of prior attainment of comparable learning outcomes from a formally recognized educational institution. Exemptions will only be granted provided that the student:

  1. can show successful completion of work of at least the same level and scope as defined by the course(s) module objectives, or
  2. has successfully completed the prescribed exemption test(s) and
  3. has submitted an application for exemption through the on-line process, normally by the 10th day of class within the semester in which the student is enrolled in the course.

Note: There are no exemptions provided for core nursing courses.

I – Incomplete

This designation is reserved for situations when the student has not completed the requirements of a course, as defined by the course outline, as the result of extenuating circumstances (i.e. illness, death in the family, etc.) This designation will be assigned only if the student can be expected to clear the deficiency within a six-week period, as defined by the faculty member.

NOTE: P1.4 Implementation of the “Incomplete” Option When an “Incomplete” designation is assigned, it must be accompanied by an Incomplete Profile Form indicating:

  • What specifically must be done to complete the course. This assignment/test must provide a valid measure of the student’s competence as defined in the course module objectives. Upon successful completion of the assignment/test, the “I” designation will be changed to the appropriate grade as determined by the student’s performance on the assignment/test.
  • The period of time in which the assignment is to be completed. That period should not exceed six weeks from the last day of classes in a given semester. A copy of the Incomplete Profile must remain in the Associate Dean’s course file for the duration of the time specified. If the Incomplete is not cleared within the specified time, the “I” will be changed by the faculty member to the appropriate final grade and forwarded to the Registration/Student Services Offices.
  • The Associate Dean may extend the deadline on the Incomplete Profile for compassionate or other valid reasons. This discretion should be used sparingly, and only when clearly justified. If the Registrar’s Office has not received notification of a change from the “I” designation by the deadline specified on the Profile, a Status Update request will be forwarded to the Associate Dean and the faculty member. The request will indicate that if a status change is not received within two weeks, the Registrar’s Office will convert the “I” to the grade earned as identified in writing by the academic department.

R/FL – Requirements Met/Requirements Not Met

This designation is used for postsecondary courses in which student learning is evaluated against course objectives, but where it would be inappropriate to record a percentage grade. In these circumstances, “R” signifies successful completion, whereas “FL” signifies that students have been unsuccessful.

Promotion with Good Standing

Students will be allowed to progress from one semester to the next with attainment of a minimum Weighted GPA greater than or equal to 60% (semester promotion grade) with no failures. Course registration is subject to course prerequisites.

Compulsory Withdrawal

Students with a Weighted GPA less than 50% in the first semester will be required to leave the program. It is strongly recommended that students in this situation seek advisement to explore opportunities for continuing study at the College.


An overall minimum weighted GPA of 60% is required to graduate. Where courses have been repeated, the highest course mark will be used in the calculation. Exceptions to these graduation requirements require the approval of the Grading and Promotion Standards Committee.

The program must be completed within the span of 8 terms, from first entering the program until all conditions are met.