

All policies for the Practical Nursing program are applicable through the entire program, including Pregrad.

Semester 4 Pregraduate (Pregrad) Professional Practice experience will be completed in a preceptored format during the last 7 weeks of the Semester 4 term. Each student will have a Faculty Supervisor assigned to assist and support both the student and the preceptor. Pregrad is a total of 280 hours. Please review the Semester 4 Pregraduate (Pregrad) Learning Plan, the course assignment forms and due dates to better understand course completion requirements.

All Pregrad placements have been secured within our Mohawk College catchment area (includes Hamilton, Haldimand, Brantford, Halton, Burlington, Oakville, Niagara, Norfolk and surrounding regions) and will support you in meeting your course objectives and the CNO beginning practitioner competencies. A Pregrad placement will only be changed to support a formal accommodation plan.

Students are required to have all of their Non-academic Requirements (NARs) up to date for the entire Pregrad experience prior to being allowed to being placement.

Student may need to complete specific onboarding items as part of their Pregrad experience (EMR training, COVID swab, Influenza vaccine, Glucometer training, etc) This will be communicated with students. Important that students check HSPnet and Mohawk College emails daily prior to and during Pregrad. 

We are here to help you succeed along your journey. Should you experience difficulty or need assistance in any area of your studies, please talk to your Faculty Supervisor, Program Coordinator, or Student Success Advisor for direction. 

Faculty Supervisor Role

All students will be assigned a Faculty Supervisor from the program.

The role of the Faculty Supervisor is to support the student and preceptor by checking in regularly and providing assistance when/if necessary. The Faculty Supervisor can help students and preceptors with any questions that may arise and to help guide preceptors when student success strategies are needed. Faculty Supervisors may be contacted via their Mohawk College email. 

Preceptor Role

The preceptor will assess, support and guide the student in meeting their course objectives and the CNO beginning practitioner competencies. The preceptor will complete a midterm and final evaluation of the student, share this evaluation electronically with the Faculty Supervisor and in person with the student. 

Program Completion

Students entering into Semester 4 are encouraged to check their MAP My Academic Progress to ensure that they have successfully completed all of the Practical Nursing program of study courses in order to graduate. If you have some concern regarding your MAP please contact Joanne Tansley – Student Success Advisor. 

College of Nurses (CNO) Verification of Enrollment

The Nursing program office will share student information with the CNO at the beginning of Semester 4 (after the add/drop period). This communication will inform the CNO of the students who are currently in their final term of the program and who are slotted to graduate. At the end of the term, upon Pregrad completion, the program office will share an uptodate list of students with the CNO. Once this list is shared, the CNO will communicate directly with the students using their personal email addresses. This process may take up to 4-6 weeks to complete upon completion of the term. Please ensure that your personal contact information is up to date and accurate. Students are encouraged to check their personal email address information on MyMohawk, Home tab, Personal information channel, update my personal email bullet.