
Mohawk College Expectation of You

Your Mohawk College Email: (e.g. Mary Smyth – email address is – mary.smyth@mohawkcollege.ca): This is the official communication channel for everything related to your academics.

  • Communication with faculty and staff is required to happen through your Mohawk College email account.
  • Students are responsible for regular review and response to email communication from faculty and staff. Check MyMohawk on a regular basis and respond as requested. (See Student Behaviour Policy).
  • Communication by other means (e.g. text) is not an acceptable form of communication. Faculty and staff will not be using text to communicate regarding academic matters. (see Student Behaviour Policy).

MyCanvas: This is your resource for all course-based program activity and information, as well as course-based communication with the faculty.

MyMohawk: You will find your final grade information, college tuition invoices, class schedules on this portal.

Preplacement Services: This service provides you with the verification of requirements to enter into practice settings. (find more information on the Preplacement Services website).

Course Timetable: Semester 2 and Semester 3 Professional Practice is one 12-hour shift. Professional Practice may be scheduled on any day of the week, Monday through Sunday.

The Academic Year Critical Dates: Program start and end dates, holidays, and deadlines for course add/drop and withdrawal are located on Mohawk College’s Academic and Important Dates website


Professional practice is essential to learning in the Practical Nursing program. All professional practice hours are mandatory, and as such, completed hours of attendance in professional practice courses are tracked each semester. Missing clinical time may jeopardize a student’s ability to be successful in meeting course goals.

  • Expectations for student attendance during the clinical practicum reflect the expectations in the work setting and provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their qualities as potential future employees.
  • During the Professional Practice course, no vacation, sick or personal leave days are provided.
  • The professional practicum does NOT include “VACATION” days, other than Statutory and Civic Holidays observed by the clinical agency.
  • If a student is unwell, they are to remain home. Should a student arrive or become ill at clinical, they will be sent home.
  • Students are expected to be punctual. Chronic lateness is unacceptable, will be documented under Professional Behaviours on Assessments, and student will be sent home from Professional Practice and marked absent.
  • If a student is asked to leave by a Professional Practice partner agency and not return to complete their placement, this will result in a failure for this course.

As per the Mohawk Closure Procedure, on days when Mohawk College or McMaster University is closed due to inclement weather, students in Semester 2 and Semester 3 are not to attend Professional Practice. During inclement weather, all students on clinical placement are expected to carefully consider the weather and travel conditions at their clinical site. When appropriate and safe, students should attend clinical, if their clinical agency is not closed.  Students should exhibit professionalism and use their discretion, understanding that weather conditions at their clinical site may vary. (See Emergency Closure Procedure).