
Use of Lab Space

Dress Code

Follow the same dress code as required for Professional Practice (see Section 4.19)


  1. Video and audio recordings will occur during simulated scenarios and may be used for debriefing and/or learning opportunities. All participants must sign a consent form before participating in simulated scenarios.
  2. Video surveillance cameras have been installed and run continuously in the PPC and in room # 303.
  3. For your safety, proper footwear is required, including closed-toe, no mesh, and low-profile heeled shoes.
  4. Bring your own stethoscope. The simulation center is not equipped to loan individual stethoscopes.
  5. The PPC is a no scent zone. Do not wear perfume or body sprays.
  6. No backpacks, coats, etc., are to be brought into the PPC. Lockers are provided for day use. Use lockers #489-528. During COVID, designated tables are available in the PPC.
  7. No food or drink is permitted in the simulation rooms or practice labs.
  8. No ballpoint/felt tip pens are permitted near the mannequins due to potential permanent discoloration of mannequin “skin”.
  9. Alcohol wipes cannot be used on simulated mannequins as they will permanently stain the “skin”. Use wipes in blue packages provided at each bedside. 
  10. Wash your hands before touching the mannequins.
  11. Injection sites may not be used on mannequins. Please use “injecta” pads.
  12. All students will be required to act as simulated patients for their peers in skill course labs and during skill practice sessions.
  13. Use beds for practice and testing purposes only. Individuals serving as patients are to remove their shoes when lying on the beds.
  14. At the end of your lab class, clean your station and return supplies to carts. Leave your lab space as you found it. (i.e. put furniture and chairs back, tidy linens, lower bed and siderails, etc.)
  15. Bag up linen in blue bags provided on small linen carts and discard them on the large metal cart at the entrance to the PPC.
  16. Mannequins cannot be moved from their beds unless you have received permission and assistance from PPC staff.
  17. Leave IV pumps plugged in at all times. 
  18. Designated equipment & supply practice carts are available for practice during independent Open Lab Practice (available by appointment only).
  19. Clean and tidy your area following independent open lab practice sessions.