
Consumption of Food

Eating of food and drinking of beverages is restricted to those areas of the college identified for such activities, i.e. cafeterias, student and staff lounges, and vending machine areas, and is permitted in faculty and staff offices and in rooms in which authorized conference-lunch meetings are taking place. Regardless of where food and snacks are being consumed, it is the expectation that the individual disposes and recycles their waste appropriately.

Microwaves for students are available in the 4th floor lounge (room 401). NOTE: the hallway kitchenettes on all floors are for staff use only.

Students have breaks and lunches allocated to them on their daily timetables, at which time food and lunches should be consumed.

Teachers are responsible for the enforcement in their classes and for reporting defiant violations to the Operations Manager for appropriate disciplinary action. Supervisors and department heads are responsible for the conformance of their staff with this guideline.

This applies, around the clock, to all students, staff and visitors, and lessees of college space (24 hours per day, 7 days per week). If you encounter any food or drink spill in the building, alert a staff member so Building Services can be informed and it can be cleaned up.