
Assignment Submissions

Assignments must be submitted by the method and date and time specified. Otherwise, late submissions will not be graded and will be assigned a grade of “zero”. Where late submissions are accepted, late labs or assignments will result in a deduction of 10% of the maximum possible mark from the student’s assignment mark for each day they are late. Failure to complete and submit any assignments, including group assignments, during the course may result in a zero or incomplete grade being assigned at the end of the semester.

Students are expected to submit their own original work for all assignments and lab work. Therefore, a student cannot use work previously submitted for another course (or the same course if the course is being repeated). If it is determined that it is not the student’s own original work, the faculty will follow the academic integrity policy. A zero grade will also be assigned where Academic Dishonesty occurs (see MyMohawk for policy: Academic Integrity Policy”).