
Appendix D: Professional Practice Learning Plan and Progress Plan


“The ability to continually grow and learn is crucial to maintain the ability to provide safe nursing care. That’s why continuous improvement is one of your nursing accountabilities.”

(The Standard, Nov 2018)

Learning plans are an annual quality assurance requirement for all nurses who are registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario. Learning plans are used to help nurses develop an action plan to enhance specific areas of practice. They also provide a way for nurses to demonstrate to the public a dedication to excellence in nursing practice.

Learning plans will be used in Professional Practice courses to assist students in progressing towards meeting course requirements, and ultimately, preparing to enter the profession as a novice nurse.


Refer to the CNO document “Developing Smart Learning Goals” (CNO, 2019) for specific guidelines on how to complete this Learning Plan.

Practice Reflection Worksheet

Describe an experience, event or change in your practice or practice setting that was significant to you. What happened? What was your role?

Based on what you described above, what were your strengths and what were your areas for improvement? Areas for improvement will inform your learning needs.

What input have you received from your peers, faculty, instructor, technologists, clients (Standardized Patients), or others about your practice?

Based on your own reflection and the input you received, what are your learning needs? What do you need to learn to improve your practice?

Professional Practice Learning Plan Learning Needs:

What learning needs did I identify through Practice Reflection?

To identify your learning needs, reflect on your practice, and your practice setting. In semester 1, your practice setting includes the professional practice 1 learning environment (I.e. classroom and simulated clinical experiences).

The areas where you can improve are your learning needs.

Please state Learning Goal(s) from one Domain below (Affective/Cognitive/Psychomotor)

Learning Goal (s):

My goal must be:

  • Based on my learning needs
  • Specific and measurable
  • In alignment with course content

After you have created your learning goal, review and choose a CNO Practice document (practice standard or guideline) that relates to your goal.

CNO Practice document:                             

Goal (s): Activities and Timeframes

How am I going to achieve my goal? Identify a minimum of (3) specific learning activities with timeframes.

How do my learning goals support my commitment to continuing competency?

How does my learning relate to the RPN Entry to Practice Competencies?

Select the appropriate RPN Entry to Practice Competencies that are relevant to content in Professional Practice Semester 1

You should continue to maintain and update your Learning Plan throughout the year.