
Professionalism & Professional Practice

Practical Nursing students are accountable for their professional behavior. This includes respectful language, recognition of professional boundaries; and sensitivity to the values, attitudes and assumptions of other cultures and how these affect practice (see Student Behaviour Policy). Students are required to act respectfully and professionally at all times, as these behaviors are the key to your learning experiences.

Students are responsible to ensure that their practice is consistent with current legislation and the standards of practice as defined by the College of Nurses of Ontario.

Social Media: students must be aware of personal privacy and the importance of confidentiality. Students are responsible for their use of social media. (Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy) Clinical placements may have a social media policy in place.

Client confidentiality must be maintained at all times. Students are not to provide information that could identify a client (person, family, community etc.) in any way (e.g. room number, initials, other personal identifiers). Also, when choosing patient assignments at the agency and reviewing chart data, there should be no photos of charts, Kardex, medication administration record etc. while gathering data.