
Appendix E: Grading Rubrics

*Student must achieve satisfactory in ALL areas to achieve ‘Requirements Met

Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory
Reflection & Learning Needs Reflection not complete


Reflection lacks the detail needed to create a clear understanding of the event.


Experience or event described in sufficient detail to create a clear picture of the event and student


Strengths and areas for improvement not identified



Strengths and areas for improvement identified but do not align with experience or event. And/or


Strengths and areas for improvement identified.


Feedback from others considered

No consideration of feedback from others


Feedback from others considered but does not align with experience or event.


Reflection leads to identification of relevant learning needs.
Learning needs Flawed linkages between
not identified reflection and identified
learning needs
Learning Goal (s)


The focus of learning is relevant to:

course objectives and CNO entry to practice competencies and opportunities within the professional practice placement.

Learning goal not identified or relevant


Questions incomplete and/or poorly written


Questions do not align with SMART goal

Learning goal not entirely clear or relevant


Goals lacking some detail of being specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.


Questions are somewhat aligned with SMART goals but require a more specific focus.

Learning goal clearly identified and relevant


Goals in SMART format: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.


Questions align with the SMART goal and are focused.

Activities and Timelines


Identify relevant activities/strategies for meeting learning needs

Activities will not address learning goal and questions.


Less than 3 activities identified


Timelines not

Activities do not consistently demonstrate application of cognitive, psychomotor and/or affective domains

Not all activities are appropriate in type or quality to meet learning goal and questions.

Activities demonstrate application of cognitive, psychomotor and/or affective domains.


Activities are appropriate in type and quality to meet learning goal and questions.


Minimum of 3 activities identified

provided Less than 3 activities identified
Time lines provided, but are not realistic or do not align with course due dates Realistic timelines identified and will be complete as per course due dates
Evaluation of changes to practice Learning goals not achieved

No consideration of the impact the learning plan has

Some evidence of learning is explained for each learning goal. Evidence of learning is explained for each learning goal.


The impact to practice is clearly articulated.

had on practice