
Fire Alarms & Proper Reactions to Them

All alarm signals are to be interpreted as indicating an emergency that requires the building to be cleared at once. The college employs a high intensity buzzer/bell to warn of emergencies. The buzzer/bell sounds continuously to warn of emergencies.

Evacuating the Building

When the buzzer/bell sounds continuously, switch off any equipment you are using and proceed calmly to the nearest exit. Do not pause to collect your belongings.

The senior person, teacher, department head, etc., present will be responsible for ensuring:

a) everyone has left the room

b) all equipment is switched off, and

c) doors are shut but not

Buzzer (Bell) Sound Continuously

Leave the building by the most direct route. Move quickly and calmly. DO NOT use the elevator, as you could be trapped if the power fails or is switched off.

DIAL 88, McMaster Security, if you are the person to find a fire / hazardous situation. At Fennell, dial 55 for Mohawk Security.

Safety Location

Once outside, move away from the building to allow fire and security personnel a direct line of entry. From the front of the IAHS, move across the road (College Crescent) towards the A.N. Bourns Science Building and the John Hodgins Engineering Building. From the back, move onto the grass area between the IAHS and ITB buildings.

Emergency Ends

When the buzzer/bell ceases to sound and security personnel indicates it is safe to do so, you may return to your workplace.

Fire Drills

Fire drills will be conducted from time to time to ensure staff and students are familiar with evacuation procedures. The reaction of everyone to drills should be as prompt and appropriate as for genuine emergencies, in order that safety officials may assess provisions and identify problems.

False Alarms

A false alarm will not only disrupt the activities of the college, but also result in dispatch of equipment to the college by the Fire Department. Anyone witnessing the initiation of a false alarm should notify a college security officer at once. The operation of a fire alarm in the absence of a fire is an offence under Section 378 of the Criminal Code which states: “Everyone who willfully, without reasonable cause, by outcry, ringing bells, shouting, using a fire alarm, telephone or telegraph, or in any other manner makes or circulates, or causes to be made or circulated, an alarm of fire is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.”