School, Department, and Program Policies

Centennial College policies apply to staff, faculty and students.

The following additional guidelines are important for students in the program.

Readmission Policy and Procedures

1. If a student applies for readmission to the Practical Nursing Program, only the Practical Nursing Flexible Program will be considered for program readmission, based on space availability.
2. A student requesting readmission to the Practical Nursing program does not apply through OCAS. He/she must apply internally at Centennial College using the ‘Readmit/Transfer’ form and submit these documents to their assigned Centennial Success Advisor (MyCA).
3. Readmission into the program is not guaranteed. Permission to re-enter the Practical Nursing Program may or may not be granted by the Readmissions Committee.
4. Readmitted students will be placed within the program on a case-by- case basis following review of the student’s academic history by the Readmission Committee.

Returning to the PN Program (Non-academic program interruption)

1. A student who has been out of the program for 2 semesters or more, for any reason, and wishes to return to the program must complete a ‘Readmit/Transfer’ and submit these documents to the Centennial Success Advisor (MyCA).
2. Returning to the program is not guaranteed. Permission to re-enter the Practical Nursing Program may or may not be granted by the Readmissions Committee.
3. Criteria under which a student may return to the program includes, but is not limited to:
a. adequate space in the course/program,
b. an interview with the Centennial Success Advisor (MyCA).

4. A returning student may be placed within the program on a case-by- case basis following review of the student’s academic history.
5. A student who has been out of the program for two or more years must return to Semester 1A of the Flexible (#9351) program.

Attendance Policy

Specific programs & courses have specific attendance requirements. However, it is strongly recommended that students attend all classes.
Although general attendance in ‘theoretical’ classes is not compulsory, attendance is compulsory for classes designated as “Laboratory Sessions”, “Clinical Applications”, “Group Presentations” and/or “Seminars and guest speakers” in order to provide for application and practice of various knowledge and skills in theoretical courses.

Please consult with your instructors and refer to your course outlines for precise attendance guidelines.

Portfolio Completion

In addition to the above program completion requirements, students must satisfactorily complete the requirements for the global citizenship and equity portfolio in order to graduate.

The Agency / Placement Site:
1. In keeping with its responsibility for client care has the right to intervene in any instance when a student or teacher may be functioning in a manner considered by the agency to be potentially dangerous to the well-being of the client or contrary to agency regulations, rules, policies and procedures.
2. Has the right, after consultation with the administrators of the College, to refuse the use of the facilities to any student or staff of the College for causes deemed in its discretion to be justifiable, and until such time as terms for re-use of facilities may be agreed upon.

The College:
1. is responsible for safety of practice and therefore reserves the right to ask a student to seek medical assessment when health problems appear to interfere with the satisfactory clinical or field practice. The student’s continuance in the program may be influenced by the results of the medical assessment.
2. may remove the student from the field or clinical area if a student demonstrates unsafe or inappropriate behavior related to client care, environment or staff until the situation can be reviewed in regard to the appropriateness of the student’s continuation in the program. The issue of client safety through removal of a student from a clinical/field situation supersedes College Policy regarding temporary dismissal of a student for a period of one day
3. may remove the student from the field or clinical area if the agency / site appears to exhibit an unsafe environment to the student.

The Student:
1. must notify his/her respective individual teacher(s) in cases of illness from classes, laboratories, tests, examinations, and experiences in the practical courses.
2. In cases of absence from clinical practice or community visits due to illness, must consult with respective course instructor on how to notify the specific agency according to agency policies/ appropriate lines of communication.

NOTE: All absences must be reported to the individual instructors. Records of absences from evaluative methods will be kept in student files.

Reporting of Health Information
Please be aware that during the course of your program you may come in contact with communicable & infectious diseases. The Ministry of Health requires that, students (and others) who have direct patient contact in the hospital, and who acquire the following communicable diseases (or are exposed to them) report this information to the hospital’s Occupational Health Service and the School’s Clinical/Placement Instructor:

 Tuberculosis
 Enteric disease (human infectious gastro-intestinal illness)
 Hepatitis B; HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
 Varicella/Zoster (Chicken Pox/Shingles)
 Herpes Simplex (lesion on the lips, face, fingers and inside of mouth only)

Practice of Prevention and Infection Control in Health Studies Programs
Students entering any health care profession must be aware of precautionary measures to be taken to protect themselves and the public at large from the spread of various infectious diseases. During the course of health care programs at Centennial College, in-depth instruction and study of various diseases will occur. To provide some basic necessary information prior to initial patient contact, students must familiarize themselves with the prevention and control of infection.

Mask Fitting Policy
Infection control mask fitting is a requirement for Health Studies students for in- hospital/field clinical placements which involve direct patient care. The Infection Control Protocols must be reviewed by the students prior to their clinical placement.

What Should I Do If I Puncture Myself or Have Direct Contact with Blood or Body Fluids?
1. Press cuts and punctures of the skin to make them bleed while washing with soap and water. Seek medication assistance immediately.
• If blood gets on the skin, but there is not a cut or puncture, wash with soap and water.
• If eyes are contaminated, rinse while open with tap water or normal saline.
• If blood gets in the mouth, spit it out, then rinse with normal saline and spit again.
• Immediately notify a Centennial College Health Studies faculty member.
• Notify charge person in area of work.
• Fill out the incident/injury report in triplicate. Copies must be retained for Centennial College reports.
• Notify your family physician for immediate review and follow- up.


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Practical Nursing Student Program Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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