

This open textbook has been developed and adapted by Tara Lawrence in partnership with the OER Design Studio and the Library Learning Commons at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. This work is part of the FanshaweOpen learning initiative and is made available through a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless otherwise noted.



We want to acknowledge and thank the following authors/entities who have graciously made their work available for the remixing, reusing, and adapting of this text:

Specific content attributions can be found at the bottom of each section. 

Fanshawe College images are copyright of © Fanshawe College  and have been used with permission All Rights Reserved


This project was a collaboration between the author and the team in the OER Design Studio at Fanshawe.  The following staff and students were involved in the creation of this project: 

  • Catherine Steeves – Instructional Design & Quality Assurance
  • Freddy Vale Zerpa – Graphic Design Student
  • Stephany Ceron Salas – Ancillary Resource Developer
  • Wilson Poulter – Copyright Officer
  • Shauna Roch – Project Lead