

Data Analysis

  1. Show an example of your data:  one before the threshold, one after, and one near the peak of the 2nd resonance.
  2. Show a plot of the neutron counts (either the integrated fit, peak height of the hits, or counts) as a function of proton energy.  This means background-subtracting each spectrum you collected, determining the total counts supposedly due to neutrons, and making a new plot with those counts as a function of the proton energy used.
  3. Fit the resonance near 2.3 MeV with the Briet-Wigner function.  Note that your fit function does NOT have to be normalized, and so the amplitude can be chosen by the optimize.curvefit.  State the location and width of the resonance.


Physics 3P03 Lab Manual Copyright © by Daniel FitzGreen. All Rights Reserved.

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