Passive Forces Exercise 2
Exercise 2
With the Capstone equipment, you can test the predictions made in the previous exercise. Open the Capstone software and create a graph of force vs. time.
Set up the cart/track/pulley system as shown below.
The sensor will automatically read zero at the beginning of each measurement. Before running any measurement hold the 100 g cylinder so that there is no tension in the string. Start recording your measurement, after a few second hang the cylinder over the pulley and while continuing to hold the cart still, wait a few more seconds and then release the cart to allow the system to accelerate. Stop your data recording before the cart hits the foam barrier.
a) Which of the forces on your free-body diagram is the force sensor measuring? Is the force acting on the sensor while the cart is at rest consistent with your prediction?
b) Is the behaviour of the force acting on the sensor while the cart is accelerating consistent with your prediction?
c) The mass of the cart (+ attachments) and cylinder are provided. Use your free-body diagrams to predict the tension force and the acceleration of the system, assuming that the track is level and that rolling friction is negligible. How do these predicted values compare to your measured values? To find your experimental data, use the selection tool to highlight the region of interest. Then use the “statistics tool”
, and select mean.