
Free body diagrams

Important: You will be handing in your work on the lab in groups via Crowdmark. Be sure to go into Crowdmark and add all your group members by their MacID before you leave the lab.
The assignment is due by 11:59 pm on the day of the lab.

Free Body Diagrams

For this lab, you will be provided with various simple setups in the lab that you can explore. You will also have access to video clips of these same systems that you can access within this manual.

You will be drawing the free body diagrams for these objects when they are in equilibrium.

For this lab, you MUST use the following notation for labelling forces:

F by, on

where F denotes the type of force as follows:

N = normal force

T = tension

Fs = spring force

w = gravitational force from earth

M = magnetic force

fs = static friction

fk = kinetic friction

Example: NBT is the normal force by the block on the table where B = block, T= table


Any contact force should be drawn so that the tail of the vector touches the contact surface. Non-contact force vectors can be drawn at the centre of mass.

Use the diagrams provided on this sheet or draw them for yourself.

After the first exercise, you will be prompted to ask your lab instructor to check that your diagrams and notation are correct.


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