Warm-up: Drawing free-body diagrams

Free-body diagrams are a helpful tool for keeping the magnitude and direction of applied forces clear. In this lab, keeping clear, detailed free-body diagrams will help you interpret the results of your experiments.

Free body diagrams: Warm-up

Draw the following free-body diagrams (FDBs), which are also represented in the schematics below. We encourage you to try to draw each FBD yourself before attempting the matching game below.

a) A shoe in free fall (remember Lab 1).

b) A shoe at rest on a table.

c) A shoe at rest on a ramp inclined at angle θ.

d) A shoe accelerating down a ramp at angle φ.

Before moving on!

Make sure you have drawn and understood each free-body diagram from the examples! They will be useful in the exercises to come.



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