Case Studies

In this section you will find links to Case Studies.

Learning Goal

to recognize and apply physics concepts learned in this course to real-life scenarios.


You will have 4 case study assignments.

Each of these assignments is designed to explore physics concepts in the world around us as well as to provide an opportunity to learn from and with peers.

A case study illustrates a concept or problem by using a real-life example that can be explored in depth.

The case studies are assignments to help you explore the application of physics to real-life and engage with current advancements and discoveries in science and technology.

This section contains four case studies:

  • Case study 1 is on Waves and Sound “Physics of Hearing”
  • Case study 2 is on Electricity “Electricity and Human Body”
  • Case study 3 is on Optics “Vision and Optical Instruments”
  • Case study 4 is on Nuclear Physics “Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics”

Course Learning Outcomes Assessed

  • Apply the foundational concepts of Waves.
  • Apply the foundational concepts of Electricity and Magnetism.
  • Apply the foundational concepts of Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity.
  • Relate physics concepts to everyday phenomena, with the focus on the human body and the health sciences.



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Physics for Health II: Study Guide Copyright © 2022 by Elena Chudaeva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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