3 Physics Simulation: Waves


To Do
Try all three simulations to explore the similarity and differences among waves on water, sound waves, and light.
  Press the green button on the pipe to start the simulation by falling the droplets and create the wave.
  a) change the Frequency ( from min to max) and see the differences in output. What do you observe?
  b) change the Amplitude ( from min to max) and see the differences in output. What do you observe?
  Press the green button on the source to start the simulation by producing the wave sound.
  a) change the Frequency ( from min to max) and see the differences in output. What do you observe?
  b) change the Amplitude ( from min to max) and see the differences in output. What do you observe?
  you can click on the graph to see the wave, you have the option to choose the particles to observe what’s happing for the air molecule
   Press the green button on the source to create the wave( light)
   Change the frequency and you will see in this case the color is changing and then change the frequency



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