43 Learning Materials

Textbook Material to Read


Chapter 25

25.1 The Ray Aspect of Light

25.2 The Law of Reflection

25.3 The Law of Refraction

25.4 Total Internal Reflection

25.5 Dispersion: The Rainbow and Prisms

Chapter 26

26.1 Physics of the Eye

26.2 Vision Correction

26.3 Color and Color Vision

26.4 Microscopes

Main Ideas

Geometric optics is the part of optics dealing with the ray aspect of light.

Speed of light in vacuum [latex]c=3*10^8[/latex] m/s.

Reflection and the Law of Reflection

The angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence.



The changing of a light ray’s direction (loosely called bending) when it passes through variations in matter is called refraction.

Index of Refraction


[latex]n[/latex] is the index of refraction, [latex]c[/latex] is the speed of light, [latex]v[/latex] is the observed speed of light in the material.



Dispersion is defined to be the spreading of white light into its full spectrum of wavelengths.

Image credit: public domain. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Light_dispersion_conceptual_waves.gif

Additional Resources

OpenStax High School Physics, chapter 16 Mirrors and Lenses



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Physics for Health II: Study Guide Copyright © 2022 by Elena Chudaeva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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