23 Supplementary Activities and Resources

Physics in Action

Application of electric fields in biology and medicine

Read this article to learn about the application of electric fields in biology and medicine such as wound healing, electrical stimulation of nervous system, and more.


Hart, F.X. & Palisano, J.R. (2017). The application of electric fields in biology and medicine. Intechopen.  DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.71683.

Web Resources

Learn with Khan Academy

Introduction to circuits

21st Century Skills

Interpreting Data

Most scientific STEM articles contain some sort of data: quantitative and qualitative.

When interpreting data, keep these questions in mind:

  • Is there a trend in the data?
  • Is there a key, legend, or other descriptions available? If yes, what do they say about the data?
  • Why is the data presented in the format it is? Could the data be presented in a more effective manner?
  • What conclusions can be made from the data?

Read this detailed guide to learn about types of data and ways to interpret them.


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Physics for Health II: Study Guide Copyright © 2022 by Elena Chudaeva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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