34 Supplementary Activities and Resources

Physics in Action

Learn about the electromagnetic biofields.

The study of the influence exercised by the manmade electromagnetic fields began to concern the scientists and especially the biologists worldwide, mainly in the last two decades.

Read this article. You may not understand everything, but it provides a lot of ideas on how physics, technology, and living organisms are connected.


Burnei G, Hodorogea D, Georgescu I, Gavriliu Ş, Drăghici I, Dan D, Vlad C, Drăghici L. The electromagnetic bio-field: clinical experiments and interferences. J Med Life. 2012 Jun 12;5(2):139-44. Epub 2012 Jun 18. PMID: 22802878; PMCID: PMC3391880.

21st Century Skills

What is a Scientific Paper?

Scientific papers (also known as a “journal articles”) are a special type of written work that have particular characteristics:

  • They are usually published in a periodical called a journal whose purpose is to publish this kind of work.  Generally, journals differ greatly from general interest writing on scientific topics such as magazine articles and science news (e.g. those in National Geographic, Scientific American, Discover, etc.) although some journals also have a section devoted to general interest writing.  Occasionally scientific papers are compiled in book form but this is not the norm.
  • They are peer reviewed.  That means that the paper has been subjected to the scrutiny of several experts in the field who verify the quality of the writing and the accuracy of the analysis and conclusions drawn by the authors.
  • They are citable.  This means that: the content is stable, the journal is readily available in libraries and (usually) through the Web, and there are standardized methods of identifying a particular article.  Thus an author can refer to a paper with confidence that a reader can easily look up that reference at any point in the future.
  • They include citations.  This means that the paper frequently makes reference to previous publications that are relevant to the work being discussed.  All cited works are listed in a reference section at the end of the paper.  Footnotes at the bottom of each pager are not used to make citations.
  • The general outline/flow is as follows
    • Title
    • Author(s)
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • References/Literature cited
  • They follow a standardized style of writing and data presentation.

Source of the information:

This text is written by Vanderbilt University Libraries (2020). https://researchguides.library.vanderbilt.edu/c.php?g=69346&p=831584


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Physics for Health II: Study Guide Copyright © 2022 by Elena Chudaeva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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