29 Main Ideas

Concept Map

Concept Trailer

Key Terms

electric generator
a device for converting mechanical work into electric energy; it induces an emf by rotating a coil in a magnetic field
electromagnetic induction
the process of inducing an emf (voltage) with a change in magnetic flux


the unit of inductance; 1H=1Ωs

a property of a device describing how efficient it is at inducing emf in another device
(magnetic induction) the creation of emfs and hence currents by magnetic fields

a device that transforms voltages from one value to another using induction


More terms can be found in the textbook, chapter 23.


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Physics for Health II: Study Guide Copyright © 2022 by Elena Chudaeva is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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