The Policy Engagement Programme for Quality Physical Education (PEP-4-QPE) draws on data from numerous research projects conducted with physical education stakeholders to whom we are incredibly grateful. This resource would not have been possible without these participants’ generous donation of their time and perspectives.
The PEP-4-QPE includes adaptations from existing works that the authors have collaboratively developed with (listed alphabetically by surname):
- David Aldous
- Laura Alfrey
- Kellie Baker
- Christopher Clark
- Lara Dabbagh
- Suzanne Hargreaves
- Mo Jafar
- Hal A. Lawson
- Andrew Morgan
- Hayley Morrison
- Dylan Scanlon
- Mike Storey
- Melody Viczko
The adaptations appearing in this resource remain the sole responsibility of the authors.
Thank you to advisory panel members, Dr.’s Melody Vickzo, Catherine Cronin, and Jon Salsberg, who, respectively, provided thoughtful advice on the PEP-4-QPE’s content, open access nature, and the participatory methodology that informed it.
Many thanks are also owed to Stefanie Pavlovich and Renata Matsumoto for their careful review of an early draft of the PEP-4-QPE.
Special thanks are due to Grzegorz Rogala in the University of Limerick’s Digital Hub for his invaluable graphic, video, and web design. We are also grateful to Gunner Gunn in Western University’s Instructional Technology Resource Centre for their Pressbooks support.
Sincere thanks are also extended to Marina Castro Garcia and Carmen Barquero Ruiz for their helpful translation advice and support as well as to Translit for their translation services.