Without the support of Gina Funicelli, Natalie Shearer, Kim Ann Laush, Cebert Adamson, Leslie Marshall, IDEAWORKS, the Centre for Teaching & Learning, and the Early Childhood Education program at Mohawk College the Pedagogy of Outdoor Play research project would not have been possible. Thank you to Beverlie Dietz of Okanogan College for arranging the Canada-Scotland Outdoor Play Study Tour, which sparked the idea for the research study and the resulting Outdoor Play Resource Guide. A special thank you to Dawn Danko for bringing forward a framework for student partnership and the willingness to join me on this adventure. Finally, Ashely and Alisia thank you for your willingness to try something new and collaborate with me to develop this resource.
~ Erin Cameron

Embarking on a research project can be daunting; but joining Erin Cameron in partnership, with solid supports from IDEAWORKS and management, made this project a welcome collaborative journey. Thank-you to Natalie Shearer, Leslie Marshall and Cebert Adamson for continued support throughout this project. Thank-you to Erin, and our student partners Ashely and Alisia for teaching me about the ECE program and outdoor play while trying out a partnership framework.
~ Dawn Danko