4 Statistics
The urgency for increasing engagement with both the outdoors and risky play is clear when reviewing current statistics relating to both overall health and actual risk of injury.

0 Deaths by fall from trees (Brussoni, 2018).
0 Increase in rate of child abduction deaths since 1970 (Brussoni, 2018).
1 in 49M Deaths by fall from play equipment (Brussoni, 2018).
7% Of falls, resulting in hospital admissions occurred on playgrounds (Canadian Public Health Assn., 2019).
37% Of falls, resulting in hospital admissions occurred at home (Canadian Public Health Assn., 2019).
35% Of five to 17-year-olds meet the recommended guidelines for physical activity (ParticipACTION, 2018).
Leading cause of death to children is by motor vehicle traffic crash, followed by drowning and threats to breathing not play (Canadian Public Health Assn., 2019).
Why are we a risk averse society?