6 M(T)CU ECE program standards
Support for the increased integration of outdoor, risky play into the Early Childhood Education program at Mohawk College are found within the recently updated program standards.
In November 2018, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and University (MTCU) published updated Program Standards for the Early Childhood Education programs of instruction leading to an Ontario College Diploma delivered by Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (MTCU funding code 51211) (Ontario, Ministry of Education, 2019). Program standards apply to all similar programs of instruction offered by colleges across the province. Collectively, these elements outline the essential skills and knowledge that a student must reliably demonstrate in order to graduate from the program.
Resources and recommendations included within this document will support learners in achieving Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLO) 2e and 4a identified below.
The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:
2. Co-create, facilitate and reflect upon inquiry and play-based early years and child care programs and pedagogical approaches to support children’s learning, holistic development and well-being following children’s capabilities, interests, ideas and experiences.
e. Incorporate learning throughout all activities of the day including learning opportunities in outdoor settings that foster an understanding and appreciation for the natural environment.
4. Collaborate with children, families, colleagues, agencies and community partners to create, maintain, evaluate and promote safe and healthy early learning environments to support independence, reasonable risk-taking and healthy development and well-being.
a. Plan and provide healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and programming in accordance with current legislation, guidelines and agency/school board policy.
b. facilitate children’s efforts to take reasonable risks, test limits and gain independence and self-confidence
Complete program standards are publicly accessible at the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities website.