
Welcome to Module 2.

Upon successful completion of these subjects in this module, students will be able to:

  • Summarize oral histology and the role of supporting structures in the mouth.
  • Recognize the difference between clinical and anatomical crowns.
  • Identify the parts of the root and give the difference in the number of roots.
  • Differentiate the four dental tissues that make up a tooth and the composition of each tissue.
  • Name the components of the periodontium, including the functions of periodontal ligaments
  • Name the three types of oral mucosa and give an example of each.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • 2.1 – Identify key terms associated with oral histology.
  • 2.2 – What is histology?
  • 2.3 – Anatomical vs. clinical crown
  • 2.4 – Root of the tooth
  • 2.5 – Tissues of the tooth
    • Enamel
    • Dentin
    • Cementum and pulp
  • 2.6 – Periodontium
    • Periodontal ligament
    • Alveolar process
  • 2.7 – The oral mucosa
    • Lining mucosa
    • Masticatory mucosa
    • Specialized mucosa

Key Terms

Keys terms are essential when going through this module. Key terms will be listed on the next page, and whenever terms are first introduced in the module, they will be bolded and can be clicked on to view the definition of the term.


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