
Key Terms

When learning about head and neck anatomy, it is essential to first look at the terminology to ensure that you understand everything clearly.



Alveolar Process Portion of the maxillary bones that forms the support for teeth of the maxillary arch
Anatomic Position The body standing erect face forward, feet together, arms hanging at the sides, and palms forward
Anterior Toward the front
Buccal Region of the head that refers to structures closest to the inner cheek
Condyloid Process The posterior process of each ramus; articulates with a fossa in the temporal bones to form the temporomandibular joint; also known as the mandibular condyle
Coronal Suture Line of articulation between the frontal bone and parietal bones
Cranium Eight bones that cover and protect the brain
Deep Closer to the bodies core
Distal Farther away from the trunk of the body; opposite of proximal
Foramen Small round opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass; plural, foramina
Foramen Magnum Large opening in the occipital bone that connects the vertical canal and the cranial cavity
Fossa Hollow, grooved, or depressed area in a bone
Frontal Area superior to the eyes, includes the forehead extending to the top of the head
Inferior Structures that are closer to the feet
Infraorbital Region of the head below the orbital region
Lateral Toward or from the side
Mastoid Process Projection on the temporal bone located behind the ear
Maxillary Tuberosity Large, rounded area on the outer surface of the maxillary bones in the area of the posterior teeth
Meatus External opening of a canal
Mental Region of the head pertaining to or located near the chin
Mental Protuberance Part of the mandible that forms the chin
Medial Toward or nearer to the midline of the body
Midline Imaginary vertical line that divides the body into left and right mirror-image halves
Nasal Region of the head that pertains to or is located near the nose
Nasal Conchae Projecting structures found in each lateral wall of the nasal cavity and extending inward from the maxilla; singular, concha
Occipital Region of the head overlying the occipital bone and covered by the scalp
Oral Region of the head pertaining to or located near the mouth
Orbital Region of the head pertaining to or located around the eye
Parietal Pertaining to the walls of a body cavity
Posterior Toward the back
Process Prominence or projection on a bone
Pterygoid Process Process of the sphenoid bone, consisting of two plates
Sagittal Suture Suture that is located at the midline of the skull, where the two parietal bones are joined
Styloid Process Process that extends from the undersurface of the temporal bone
Superior Above another portion, or closer to the head
Superficial On or near the surface
Temporal Region of the head superior to the zygomatic arch
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Joint on each side of head that allows movement of the mandible
Zygomatic Region of the head pertaining to or located near the zygomatic bone (cheekbone)
Zygomatic Arch Arch formed when the temporal process of the zygomatic bone articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone



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