Key Terms

When learning about tooth morphology, it is essential to first look at the terminology to ensure that you understand everything clearly.



Cingulum Raised, rounded area on the cervical third of the lingual surface
Cusp Major elevation on the masticatory surfaces of canines and posterior teeth
Diastema Space between two teeth
Fossa Wide, shallow depression on the lingual surfaces of anterior teeth
Incisal Edge Ridge on permanent incisors that appears flattened on labial, lingual, or incisal view after tooth eruption
Mamelon Rounded enamel extension on the incisal ridges of incisors
Marginal Ridge Rounded, raised border on the mesial and distal portions of the lingual surfaces of anterior teeth and the occlusal table of posterior teeth
Morphology Study of form and shape, as of the teeth
Pegged Laterals Incisors with a pointed or tapered shape
Succedaneous Permanent teeth that replace primary teeth



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