
Planning for High-Impact Strategies (Primary)

This resource explores a mathematics lesson taught within a three-part lesson framework. Throughout, the teacher assesses, prompts and allows for differentiation in how students learn and, in this way, involves the entire class in solving the lesson problem and extending the thinking of each student about the big ideas of mathematics.

The purpose of this task is for beginning teacher candidates:

  • To observe an example of what teaching through problem solving (i.e. a problem solving lesson) looks like when done well.
  • To start to become familiar with the parts of a 3 part lesson plan.
  • ​To begin to connect mathematical concepts with curriculum expectations and the mathematical processes.

Some lessons have three parts: an activation, a problem on which to work, and a consolidation. In some jurisdictions, these three parts are named:

  • Minds On
  • Action!
  • Consolidate/Debrief

Whether these or other names are used, the lesson still benefits from these parts.

After studying the High Impact Instructional Practices document, view the Videos on the next pages.

At the end of this section, you will reflect on the following prompts: