Optional enrichment
To do this session
✓ Select 1 EDUCAUSE Review article from the list
✓ Search the library database for a related journal article
Session Introduction
“have you seen [insert whiz-bang tech]? It’s going to revolutionize education!”
Since technology has been a part of our lives, Silicon Valley has been promising to change the way we teach and learn. In some ways, it really has dramatically made a difference and in others, not so much. Instead of openly accepting everything or cynically refusing to try, we should try to develop some skills to evaluate emerging technologies and their potential use.
This session, you will find a topic that interests you that you think holds promise for teaching and learning with technology. You will find an article of your choice and consider potential uses. There will be inevitable affordances and barriers and you will share your opinions based on your research and experience. How can we “future proof” our technology choices?
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- identify strengths and limitations of a current emerging edtech trend.
Session Resources
choose one and find your own
- Campbell, G. (2009) Personal Cyberinfrastructure. EDUCAUSE Review.
- Cavanaugh, J. (2017) Alchemy, Innovation, and Learning, in 2025. EDUCAUSE Review.
- Feldstein, M. & Hill, P (2016). Personalized Learning: What It Really Is and Why It Really Matters. EDUCAUSE Review.
- Ferguson, R. & Clow, D. (2017). Learning Analytics: Avoiding Failure. EDUCAUSE Review.
- Groom, J. & Lamb, B. (2014). Reclaiming Innovation. EDUCAUSE Review.
7 Things you should know about gamification. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative.
Learning Activities
- Find 1 or 2 articles related to your emerging technology. What was exciting about the technology you explored? What are some of the issues/ concerns? Do you think the tool / approach will be “The Future” or just another passing fad? Why?
- What was most interesting thing to come out of the forums? How do you feel about emerging technology?
- Do you think your new rubric will help you deal with these trends as they speed towards us as instructors?