
6 Debrief for Learners (self-debrief)

Instructions: In the homecare virtual gaming simulation, you assumed the role of a homecare nurse, Sylvia Santos, assigned to do an initial homecare assessment of Mrs. Helen Kumar, a 76-year-old female. Reflecting on this virtual gaming simulation, we would like to ask you a number of questions in relation to your experience while engaging in the simulation. It has been shown that self-debrief can solidify knowledge, deepen understanding of your response and refine your critical thinking skills. There are 8 questions to be answered. It will take you 30-60 minutes to complete the questions. We recommend that you keep your answers to yourself and only share with others who have completed their self-debrief on this virtual gaming simulation. That way when other learners play the virtual gaming simulation they are not influenced by your experience.

This self-debrief is a facilitated reflection on your virtual gaming simulation experience. The questions are designed to  help you express your reactions, analyze issues, reflect on your performance, and make connections for future clinical practice.

Please consult your notes and reflect on your experience playing the virtual gaming simulation as you answer these questions. In addition, reflect on the learning objectives of the virtual gaming simulation as you work through these questions.

Learning objectives:

Apply knowledge of physical and psychosocial assessments related to the older adult living in their home.

Identify normal and abnormal findings including variations and potential complications during a home care visit.

Conduct medication reconciliation (comprehensive review of medications).

Demonstrate therapeutic nurse – client relationships when caring for an older adult and their family caregiver.

Debriefing Questions

  1. Describe your thoughts and feelings while you were playing the Homecare virtual gaming simulation.
  2. Did you play the game more than once and if you did, if so, was it helpful to you? If not, why did you only play it once?
  3. Describe how you felt in the role of the nurse, Sylvia Santos, during this virtual gaming simulation?
  4. Share what you learned about establishing a therapeutic nurse client relationship with Mrs. Helen Kumar and Kate Kumar.
  5. Not everyone works their way through this scenario perfectly. What can you take away from the incorrect decisions/responses you may have made?
  6. As you worked your way through this simulation, did you find yourself going to other sources to learn more about homecare and the older adult? If you did go to other sources, what types of things did you review to help increase your knowledge?
  7. If a similar situation arose where you completed a homecare assessment, what will you take away from this virtual gaming simulation and incorporate into your clinical practice?
  8. What questions remain unanswered for you in relation to this homecare virtual gaming simulation scenario?




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