
7 Phase 3 – Implementation: 2nd Month

Moira’s Tasks
(Weeks 5-8)
“Must Have” Goal This Task Supports Supports Moira Used
Using only Microsoft Word, Moira developed a framework or outline of how she would organize information in her LMS site. She wanted to have a clear plan of her online course components in place BEFORE she started working in the LMS.
Moira knew that she wanted her LMS site to support a weekly lesson structure, provide quick access to student services information, and give her students access to all of the course materials they needed in order to prepare for classes and to review before taking quizzes and moving into the shop.
Using only the technology of Word, Moira decided she would organize her weekly lessons (or “Modules”) and she identified the common components she planned to include in each Module:

  1. Time commitment: a heads-up to students about how much time they should plan to spend on the online component that week;
  2. Learning Objectives;
  3. Readings (including from the Open Textbook);
  4. Content (including notes from PowerPoints, images, demonstration videos,
  5. Activities (including self-assessment activities to test readiness to move onto having hands-on time in the shop)
LMS For this task, Moira used:

  1. MS Word
  2. The help of an instructional designer
    [Specific to Moira’s college; locate the teaching & learning services at your institution for suggestions]
  3. Suggestions from her informal “buddy” system of 2 colleagues with prior experience.

Moira’s mock-up in Word of Module structure:

Screenshot of Moira's mock-up in Word of her Module structure

#2 Implemented planned framework in the LMS:
Referring to the course site plan she had previously outlined in a Word document, Moira created the structural framework (i.e. Module outlines) for her course in the LMS.
 LMS For this task, Moira used:

  1. D2L (The LMS at Moira’s institution)

Moira’s mock-up in LMS of Module structure:

Screenshot of Moira's mock-up in the LMS of her Module structure

#3 Uploaded all of the Open Textbook files (textbook chapters + the ancillary video and quiz resources) to the LMS site.  OT; LMS For this task, Moira used:

  1. D2L (The LMS at Moira’s institution)
  2. Selection from the BC Open Textbook Collection:
    Line C: Tools and Equipment Competency C-4: Describe Ladders and Work Platforms
#4 Connected with direct supervisor (Program Chair) to confirm necessary updates to the course description in the institution’s course calendar.

Course description modified to include notifications to prospective students so that they would know:

  1. The course required computer and internet access.
  2. Students should expect to access all course materials online.
  3. Students should expect to complete some of the required course activities online.
 LMS Program Chair
[Specific to Moira’s college & her program; locate your supervisor for suggestions.]
#5 Connected with the college’s “Disability Resource Centre” for their recommendations about what information Moira should provide to her students about help that is available for students with a disability and how they locate help when and if they need it.  LMS; OT Disability Resource Centre / Accessibility Services
Specific to Moira’s college; locate the accessibility or disability-support services at your institution for suggestions.
Moira’s recommendation at this point in the project:
Check-in with “buddy system” and instructional designer: “How am I doing so far?