Test Banks with Generative AI

Creating Test Banks Using Generative AI – ChatGPT

Creating a test using ChatGPT is relatively straightforward: write a prompt asking ChatGPT to create the kind of test you want, followed by the textbook material that the test covers. Many articles written about crafting AI prompts focus on strategies for having the chatbot provide the most relevant and stylistically creative content. In our case, however, we want to ensure that the scope of the output is confined to the content we provide, so we in fact want to limit ChatGPT’s creative freedom somewhat by being as specific as possible. Here is an example of a prompt to generate a multiple-choice quiz (the specific output format will allow this quiz to be used as-is in an H5P Quiz widget or any other testing software that accepts the Respondus format):

Generate 20 multiple-choice questions that will test students on their comprehension of the textbook content following this paragraph. Each question must have a minimum of 3 possible answers and a maximum of 4 possible answers. Use the Respondus format when generating the questions: each question must begin with a question number followed by a right parenthesis, a space, and then the question wording on the same line; each answer must be on its own line following the question and begin with an alphabetic label (a-z) followed by a right parenthesis, and space, and the answer wording, with the correct answer denoted by an asterisk (“*”) preceding the question label; separate question/answer sets with a blank line. Here’s the textbook content:

Note that ChatGPT has word limits for both input and output. If your textbook content is longer than 2500 words or so, it will have to be broken up across multiple prompts. For example, if you have a textbook chapter than is around 4000 words long, create the test in two prompts.
It is advisable to request more questions than you intend to use in the test, allowing you to choose the best ones and weed out anything that doesn’t fit your needs. Also, remain open to the idea that you may have to experiment a bit, varying your prompts to obtain the best result.

Creating Test Banks Using Generative AI – Questgen
[TODO if we get this set up]




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