H5P Process Creation
The OER Development guide includes a section of resources on H5P that may be helpful:
When a SME asks for an interactive, you must first ask:
- Does it serve a pedagogical purpose to create an interactive?
- Will the interactive be accessible, or is there a workaround for accessibility?
The SME must provide all interactive content. If the Studio is creating a quiz with questions generated by AI, the student will add the questions to the back of the chapter as text prior to creating the H5P quiz. The SME must review and approve the questions before adding them to H5P.
See the H5P Tutorial for Authors on how to create each content type.
Copying H5P Content
If you find an H5P interactive created elsewhere to repurpose, follow the instructions below.
- Importing and Exporting H5P Content: This page walks you through how to download the file, upload a file, and copy and paste it if needed.