H5P Attributions
Add details on how to fill out the metadata when creating an H5P or adapting/reusing an existing H5P – Andrew’s Suggestion
Recording H5P Changes
If you are importing a book which contains H5P elements or inserting existing H5P from external sources, it is important to make sure that you include the correct attribution information in the metadata section of the H5P. As is the case with most CC-licensed work used in the OSD, a record of changes to the original source is generally required if adaptation or remixing occurs. This also applies when we are adapting existing H5P content.
If you change, edit, or remix an existing H5P, please adhere to the following process:
- Click on the Metadata tab within the H5P element
- Scroll to the section entitled “Changelog” and select “Add New Changelog.” Fill in the “Date”, “Changed by,” and “Description of Changes” text fields. Select “Log this Change” to exit. Be sure to save the overall H5P metadata before you exit the metadata section. Remember to also select “Update” to save the entire H5P element you have changed.
Once entered, if enabled, your change log will appear under the “Rights of Use” drction brelow the H5P interactive.