
Getting Started: Adding Content

Adding Text

You can add text to a Pressbook page by typing in the textbox or copying and pasting. To learn how to add additional types of styling, view the chapter on Pressbooks Styling and Layout.

If you are copying and pasting, remember to paste without formatting by using the Paste as text function, which can be found in the options of the visual editor at the top of the textbox.

Make sure there are no extra spaces between paragraphs and images, etc. There should be no spacing – it may appear needed in the editor, but it should probably display in the web version – always check the “View Chapter” after saving each page to see the formatting displayed correctly (or incorrectly before you fixed)

Adding Images

Add an image by clicking the Add Media button above the visual editor and either uploading an image or selecting one from the media library.

Find and save the image from the source rather than the one provided in the faculty document.

Once the image has been added to the page, click on it to bring up the toolbar, and then click the pencil to edit.

  • Add a simple alternative text phrase to the Alternative Textbox or leave it blank if the image is decorative.
    • If the image requires a longer or more complicated explanation, provide a brief overview in the Alternative Textbox and add the rest of the description in a basic accordion below the image.
  • Add the caption information.  You must add links once you have returned to the main editing page. The caption information should include:
    • The figure number, if applicable.
    • Any titles or information given in the source material.
    • The attribution for the image (including modifications).  If you have questions about the attribution process, message your Instructional Designer for examples and support.
  • Choose the alignment for the image (left, right, or centre).
    • Decorative images should be right or left aligned.
  • Look at the size of the image and adjust the size if necessary.  Note: images should not be made larger than their “full size”.
    • Images may need to be scaled down from large aspect ratios, especially with infographics. When exported to PDF, they are better quality, and readability improves.
    • Whenever an image needs to be significantly resized, check the file type and, if necessary, convert it to a PNG image. PNG is a lossless type, whereas JPG is compressed; therefore, PNGs handle resizing better. Note that if the image is blurry to begin with, this will not fix the issue.
  • Link to the media file unless the image is decorative.

Adding Videos

You can embed videos through the Add Media button above the visual editor.  On the left-hand menu, choose Insert from URL and paste the video link.

Add the attribution below the video.  For YouTube videos, the attribution builder can be used to generate the correct attribution statement.

  • Ensure that there are closed captions or a transcript available.  Many creators will provide these, but if they are not available, you can create a Video Transcript.

Instructor or studio-created videos can be added through this process by first uploading the video to the Fanshawe OER Design Studio YouTube Channel. Speak to your Instructional Designer or Project Lead to complete this process.

See the Pressbooks User Guide for more information.


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