Design Overview

When working with a subject matter expert, one of the things you may start with is getting an idea of the book’s overall design. Sometimes, the SME has an idea at the beginning, and sometimes, it may take designing a few chapters or sections of content before it is finalized. Below are the questions that should be asked when working with a SME.

Design Questions

  1. What is the name of your new resource?
  2. What Pressbooks Theme would you like for your book?
  3. How will your content be structured in Pressbooks? See Development Plan
  4. What pedagogical elements do you want to open and close your chapters?
  5. Which citation style will you use?
  6. How do you want to handle key terms?
  7. What colour scheme do you want to use in your book?
  8. How do you want to use text boxes?
  9. Do you want to include any media in your book?
  10. Do you want to include any H5P interactives in your book?
  11. Do you want any ancillary resources included?



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