
About This Guide


A woman pointing out information on a computer screen to a colleague.
Image by Lagos Techie on Unsplash

Welcome!. This guide is designed to provide educators at St. Clair College with an introduction to Open Education Resources (OER) for Teaching and Learning. As part of a Virtual Learning Strategy project funded by the Government of Ontario through eCampus Ontario, the guide is intended to build capacity for future adoption of OER materials and practices.

Part I of this guide delves into copyright. Understanding copyright is crucial in today’s digital age, where the sharing and distribution of educational materials have become more accessible than ever.

Part II of this guide focuses on an introduction to OER and its role in education. We highlight the benefits of incorporating OER into teaching and learning, emphasizing how they can help address challenges and enhance educational experiences for both educators and students. Three chapters have also been utilized as in-person and virtual workshops at St. Clair: How OER can help us address Teaching and Learning Challenges, Dipping your toes in OER Waters, and Better Images.  Creating and Adapting Open Education Resources can also be used as a self directed module or transformed for workshop delivery.

OER at St. Clair College

If you are interested in learning more about OER at St. Clair College, we encourage you to reach out our Centre for Academic Excellence and Quality Assurance (CAE).  Much of the material in this guide is repeated in our webpages and additional resources will be added there.

If you are a faculty member at St. Clair College and you are interested in adopting, adapting or creating OER for one or more of your courses, your first step is to reach out to your Chair to discuss your interest. You will find support for your endeavors through the CAE and through our Library Resources Centres.