
11 Documentation Panels

When you walk into a classroom what do you typically see on the walls? You will likely see colourful posters, charts, family photos, and lots and lots of artwork. Have you ever wondered why we post things on our walls? Is it to make our classrooms more colourful and aesthetically pleasing? Do we want to motivate our children to do their best work because it will be posted for all to see? Are we trying to create a cozy space where our children can feel comfortable and feel like they belong? Are we hoping the children’s families see all the great work that we are doing? Everything that is posted on your classroom walls should communicate a message. Documentation panels help us to convey important messages. A central message that should be communicated in documentation panels is that “Children Learn Through Play!”

When parents drop off and pick up their child, they may see their child playing with blocks, puzzles, playdough, or in the dramatic play area with their peers. To some, this type of open
exploration or child-directed play (sometimes called free play) may look frivolous, inconsequential, or perhaps trivial because it lacks formal instruction. The idea that learning can be playful and fun may be difficult for some parents to understand. Many parents like to see some type of tangible evidence – for example, a finished worksheet or completed art project to “know” that teaching and learning are happening. Thus, it is necessary for us as intentional educators to convey the importance of play through formal documentation. We must provide parents with information that explains not only the end result (or product) but the process of how experiences are specifically designed to help children master milestones in all developmental domains. More importantly, we must showcase that learning is a direct product of play.

 Documentation Panel (Pafford, 2015)

What are Documentation Panels?

Documentation panels use observations and assessments to illustrate a child’s process of learning. When used effectively, documentation panels highlight the purpose of an activity and record the milestones that have been mastered. In order for parents to truly understand that children learn through play, documentation panels should include work samples or photos that highlight what the child did during the activity, along with several quotes to highlight the child’s thought process. When done correctly, educators and families should be able to follow a child’s progress over time. Documentation panels help educators and families understand, without explanation, the child’s abilities and Interests. Documentation panels provide clear evidence as to what children are learning throughout the school year in each of the developmental domains: Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Language.

What to Document

Some educators feel obligated to post one piece of artwork for each child in the classroom so as to be “fair” that each child was represented. On classroom walls, it’s common to see artwork without any caption or description of the purpose of the activity or the skills that were promoted. Intentional educators often find that documentation panels are a more efficient way to showcase children’s learning because it makes learning more visible. Since learning is happening all day and every day in the classroom, there are a variety of topics that can be presented. Documentation panels can illustrate something as simple as a child playing with sand and water for an hour, or something complex like a child learning how to tie their shoes over a long period of time. These panels can feature one child, a group of children, or the whole class.

Here are some suggested topics to consider when creating a formal documentation panel:

  • daily routines
  • project-based activities
  • child-directed play and exploration
  • outdoor play experiences
  • circle time conversations
  • developmental milestones
  • social relationships
  • educator-directed lesson plan activities

These are just some suggestions, but the topics are endless.

How to Make a Documentation Panel

Posters, bulletin boards, and slide shows are all commonly used to create documentation panels. The format chosen should be reflective of the purpose, audience, and activity being presented. These panels can be simple, artistic, or even three dimensional. Before creating the panel, consider the collaboration of additional educators, children, and families. Having a team create the panel adds a new level of depth with various ideas and opinions.

The first step is creating a title that invites families to approach the panel. Next, mention the developmental milestones and goals for the activity (what the children are learning). Add photos and children’s quotes (both parents and children enjoy this). Include the steps that were taken or the process and work samples as the final product. An extra step would be to add a recipe card or take-home handout so parents can replicate the activity at home. While constructing the panel, ask yourself, is this showing the child’s thought process, developmental growth, and both the child’s and educator’s reflection? When creating your documentation panels, remember that these panels respect all children’s work. The panel needs to value efficiency over cuteness and engagement over entertainment. Lastly, the documentation panel replaces the concept that there needs to be one piece of artwork for each child in the class. When you post several documentation panels, all with different themes and purposes, you will no doubt capture all of the children in your care.

Below is a template you can use when you’re creating a documentation panel.

Decide what you want to communicate on the documentation panel:

  • Projects or themes
  • Special events
  • Specific curriculum areas
  • Learning environments
  • Skill acquisition
  • Child development

Collect materials for the panel:

  • Children’s actual work or photocopies
  • Observation notes / anecdotal records
  • Information and quotes from books and journals
  • Curriculum webs
  • Quotes and dictation from children and educators
  • Photographs – various sizes (enlarge or shrink on a photocopier) – colour, or black and white.

Select the best items that represent the idea or theme of your panel:

  • Write an educational caption for each piece
  • Use a font size large enough to be read from a distance

Layout of panel:

  • Determine where the panel will be displayed (on a table or wall?)
  • Select a type of panel: poster board (best for wall) or three-sided board
  • Title the panel
  • Select a strong image as the focal point on the panel
  • Aesthetics are important
  • Use colored paper to support, not detract from, the images



Here are some advantages of using documentation panels:

  • Children feel proud because they see their accomplishments
  • Children’s learning is visible for families
  • Can spark discussion among educators where thoughts and ideas are shared


The following are some drawbacks to using documentation panels:

  • Time consuming to prepare
  • Requires a printer (and a camera if pictures are being printed)
  • Takes up space to display
  • Can create feelings of insecurity among children unless all children are included


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