19 Conclusion
Sometimes when we observe children, it’s with a clear goal in mind like when we want to better understand how the children are using the physical space to determine whether any changes are needed. Observation methods like participation charts are useful for those kinds of scenarios. And if we would like to get a clearer understanding of specific behaviours, methods like checklists, frequency counts, and ABC analyses can be used to help provide additional insight into why the behaviour might be occurring.
Fenning, K. & Wylie, S. (2020). Observing young children: Transformative inquiry, pedagogical documentation and reflection (6th ed.). Nelson.
Head Start – ECLKC. (n.d.) Using checklists highlight video. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/video/transcripts/000981-using-checklists-highlight-video.pdf