
woman on bike in winter

  1. Watch the short TedEd video: The Bystander Effect: The Science of Empathy (5:35 minutes) https://youtu.be/Wy6eUTLzcU4.
  1. Watch the video: The Bystander Effect: Why Some People Act and Others Don’t, by Kelly Charles-Collins (11:33 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45qZei0iw3k&list=RDCMUCsT0YIqwnpJCM-mx7-gSA4Q&start_radio=1&t=5
  1. Extensive information on social psychology from the Khan Academy. Topics including: conformity and group think, Milgram studies on obedience, Zimbardo/Stanford prison experiment, bystander effect, social loafing and facilitation.https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/behavior/social-psychology/v/agents-of-socialization


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