
woman on bike in winter

  1. Watch the TEDEd video: What causes panic attacks, and how can you prevent them? By cindy J. Aaronson (5:22 minutes)https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-causes-panic-attacks-and-how-can-you-prevent-them-cindy-j-aaronson


  1. Watch the video: Getting Help – Psychotherapy: Crash Course Psychology #35 (11:22mins)(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nEL44QkL9w) uploaded by Crash Course.

Then answer the following questions.

  1. Humanistic based therapy would be most likely to focus on:
    i) personal growth
    ii) early childhood experiences
    iii) unconscious feelings
    vi) unconscious behaviour
  2. b.Free association and dream analysis would most likely be used by a(n):
    i) behaviorist
    ii) psychoanalyst
    iii) humanist
    vi) rationalist
  3. Which of these is the odd one out?
    i) Pavlov
    ii) Thorndike
    iii) Skinner
    vi) Maslow
  4. Client centred therapy was developed by:
    i) Freud
    ii) Jung
    iii) Rogers
    vi) Skinner
  5. Cognitive therapy tends to focus on:
    i) what people dream about
    ii) what people think
    iii) how people behave
    vi) people’s physiological state

Answers: 1. i  |  2.  ii  |  3. vi  | 4d. iii  |  5. ii


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