Program Team
Welcome to the Nutrition & Food Service Management Diploma Program
Thank you for choosing Centennial College as your place of study. Centennial is a learning-centred college that will provide a better learning experience for students and greater graduate success in the workforce.
This handbook has been developed to provide students in the Nutrition and Food Service Management Program with important information including policies and procedures that govern practice and behaviour, both program related and college wide. The information will prepare you for success. It is the responsibility of all students to read this handbook and the information the text refers to, thoroughly. If you need clarification or explanation of any of the material, please speak with any faculty member, the program coordinator or department Chair. Please keep this handbook as a reference during your academic terms at Centennial and refer to as necessary.
The Nutrition and Food Service Management Program is a 2 year diploma program, full time study. It offers a practical blend of theory and skill development in food production, nutrition and business. In today’s changing food service environment, you require a competitive edge. You will develop the skills required to be part of a growing and dynamic industry.
Nutrition and Food Service Management faculty share their valuable work experience and knowledge to prepare you for success. The curriculum is current and relevant. Faculty post office hours to ensure students have the opportunity to discuss course material or any concerns. See specific course outlines for faculty contact information.
Again, welcome to the program. We wish you a smooth transition to college life and look forward to preparing you for the broad scope of job opportunities in the profession of Nutrition and Food Service Management.
Program Associate Dean
Dr. Noor Jehan Kabani is located on the third floor, Health Sciences office room 352.
Program Coordinator(s)
Your Program Coordinators are Kendra Allen, NM, BA and Janeen Payne, NM,. Your program coordinators can answer any questions regarding career opportunities in the field of nutrition and management and we ask that any issues regarding specific courses (tests, work missed, and problems) be discussed with the professor of the course before discussing with Program Coordinators.
Program Faculty
Full Time Professors at Morningside Campus
Bernadette Cuyugan’s office is located on the third floor, Health Sciences office in room 352 and can be reached at
Julia Cooper’s office is located on the third floor, Health Sciences office in room 352 and be reached at
Kendra Allen’s office is located on the third floor, Health Sciences office in room 352 and be reached at
Michelle Bishop’s office is located on the third floor, Health Sciences office in room 352 and be reached at
Part time Faculty at Morningside Campus
Click here to meet some of your faculty
You will be provided with the names and contact information of your professors in the first week of classes and are printed in your course outlines.
Part-Time faculty can also be reached by telephone (with voicemail) & email ( Contact information is available at the Health Sciences Department office, Room 352-Morningside campus.
Success Advisor
You have a Success Advisor who will support you as you transition in, through, and beyond the College. Helping you identify your academic and professional goals, your Success Advisor can help connect you to supports, resources, and opportunities at the College. To locate your Success Advisor go to
Kavisha Bhatt’s office is located on the third floor, Health Sciences office in room 352 and may be contacted directly through CASS.
Your success advisor is available to help connect you with all the services and opportunities here at Centennial College, your Success Advisor will share tips and strategies that can help you develop leadership skills, gain experience for your career. If you need to add/drop a course or have questions regarding transfer credits, please email your success advisor.
Department Administrative Support
Health & Wellness Department Administrative support is Kivinya Kithyo and may be contacted regarding department and general program information at