Assessment and Grading
Course Assessments
All credit courses have a formal method of evaluation and assessment. Your course outlines will communicate the evaluation scheme for each course, identifying assessment methods (assignments, projects, tests, etc.) that contribute to the final grade. Assessments are designed to evaluate the level at which you demonstrate the established course learning outcomes.
Grading Scheme
The standard grading scheme for most courses is a letter grade ranging from A to F with each letter representing the equivalent percentage grade achieved in the course. Some courses have a Pass/Fail grading scheme. For these courses, a Pass does not impact your GPA but a Fail will. There are also other special grades that can be used for specific purposes.
Letter Grade | Grade Description | Numerical Equivalent | Grade Point |
A+ | Outstanding | 90-100% | 4.5 |
A | Excellent | 80-89% | 4.0 |
B+ | Very good | 75-79% | 3.5 |
B | Good | 70-74% | 3.0 |
C+ | Satisfactory | 65-69% | 2.5 |
C | Satisfactory | 60-64% | 2.0 |
D+ | Minimal* | 55-59% | 1.5 |
D* | Minimal* | 50-54% | 1.0 |
F | Failure** | 0-49% | 0 |
FNA | Failure non-attendance | ||
P | Pass** | ||
I | Incomplete | ||
AEG | Aegrotat standing | ||
AUD | Audit status | ||
CIP | Course in progress | ||
TCR | Transfer credit | ||
NGR | No grade required | ||
*In courses in some programs, these grades may not be considered a passing grade, and a higher passing grade may be required. The minimum required GPA for graduation is 2.0 and may be higher for some programs.
**May be used in a course where a percentage grade is inappropriate. |
Centennial is committed to providing the best possible education for all of our students. This includes meeting the needs of students who may require adjustments or accommodations to equalize their opportunities to meet the essential requirements of achieving the learning outcomes in a course or program.
Missed Tests and Assignments: NFSM
NOTE: The following policies on tests and assignments are specific to the Food and Nutrition Management Program. Consult faculty and/or course outlines for general education electives and English courses.
An assignment is to be submitted before, or on the specified date and time as determined by the course instructor.
If a student cannot submit an assignment on the due date for any reason, he/she must notify the appropriate professor at least 24 hours in advance or as soon as possible and request an extension giving reasons for the delay. If an extension is not granted, the student is expected to have the assignment completed by the specified date and time.
Tests and assignments are due on the specified date and time as outlined by the professor. Absence due to illness or extenuating circumstances is not an automatic excuse for missing a deadline.
Absence must be reported before the class in which the test is to be written or the assignment is due and arrangements for handing in assignments must be made with the professor. A zero grade will be assigned for missed tests and assignments.
Students are expected to arrive at the scheduled test time. No student will be admitted 30 minutes after the test begins. No student may leave within the first 30 minutes after the test has commenced.
Arrangements for makeup tests are as follows:
Students are responsible to report absence to the professor prior to class in which test is given. Students will write all makeup tests at the end of term. Students will confirm via email with the professor 2-3 weeks prior to the end of the semester. Students are permitted to write one make up test per course. If more than one evaluation/test was missed, the student will make up the evaluation/test worth the higher value and any other missed evaluation or test will count as a zero grade.
In extenuating circumstances,* if a student cannot submit an assignment on the specified date and time for any reason, he/she must notify the appropriate professor at least 24 hours in advance or as soon as possible and request an extension giving reasons for the delay. If an extension is granted, the student will receive full consideration for the assignment. Assignments with extensions are due at a specific date and time as approved by the professor. Failure to submit by the faculty approved date and time will result in a zero grade.
If a student does not contact the professor by voicemail or email prior to the deadline, the assignment will be assigned a zero grade.
*Written documentation is required to support claims of extenuating circumstances, i.e. illness or death of a family member.
For illness, students must submit medical documentation to the professor(s) which will be required the first day of the students return to the college. Failure to submit documentation to the faculty will result in a zero grade.
*An extenuating circumstance is defined as those incidences which are unpredictable and or out of the students’ control.
Reporting an illness
Students must notify his/her respective individual teacher(s) in cases of illness from classes, laboratories, tests, examinations, and experiences in the practical courses.
In cases of absence from clinical practice or community visits due to illness, students must consult with respective course instructor on how to notify the specific agency according to agency policies/ appropriate lines of communication. A medical certificate may be required before returning to practicum.
NOTE: All absences must be reported to the individual instructors. Records of absences will be kept in Student files.
Grade Appeals
- A clerical error has resulted in a miscalculation of the grade.
- The grade awarded did not fairly reflect your academic performance and/or the stated requirements for the course.
Key Policies