This section is designed to provide readers with the program overview in addition to a description and rationale for its inception.
This section should describe the extent and method of the consultation process undertaken during the development of the proposal, including the diversity of groups and/or individuals who were engaged in and informed the preparation of the proposal.
This section is intended to highlight any internal (e.g. other departmental units) and external collaborations (e.g. community partners or potential employers) that were undertaken in the development of the proposed program. Collaborations are highly encouraged and can be highlighted in this section. Any person or group who made a significant contribution to the proposal should be acknowledged here. Letters of support should also be appended to this document as evidence of any collaboration.
Departments are asked to include a description of how the program aligns with McMaster’s mission and academic plan. McMaster’s Current Priorities and Strategic Mandate Agreement should be at the forefront of program design, including principles regarding equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Further information can be found by clicking the links provided or by copying and pasting the links into your web browser. The information and corresponding links included are up to date as of August 2024 . Academic units should be sure to use the most current Strategic Mandate Agreement and university priorities when preparing this section.
McMaster’s Strategic Mandate Agreement 2020-2025 (SMA3):
Please be sure to identify and explain which area(s) of institutional strength/focus outlined in the SMA3 that the program addresses.
The SMA3 can be accessed via the following link: https://ira.mcmaster.ca/app/uploads/2020/11/McMaster-SMA3-Agreement-August-31-2020-SIGNED-FINAL.pdf
McMaster’s Current Priorities:
Please elaborate on how your program aligns with the current institutional priorities. Refer to the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) – Current Priorities website for the most up to date institutional priorities: https://provost.mcmaster.ca/office-of-the-provost/current-priorities/
Programs should address how they are engaging with the four areas of impact outlined in McMaster’s Teaching and Learning Strategy and how they are demonstrating compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Programs may also speak to McMaster’s national and international commitments such as the Okanagan Charter, the Scarborough Charter and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
If departments have their own vision and mission statements or EDIA (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) commitments, they can be highlighted in this section. Consider how these statements will be communicated within the program to staff, students, and faculty, and how they align with McMaster’s broader priorities. Reflect on how regular check-ins can be implemented to evaluate the progress of these goals and determine effective methods for measuring their success.
This section should list the program learning outcomes for students who will graduate from the proposed program. If a program has developed meaningful curriculum for students regarding the use of Generative AI, consider how this curriculum is supported and reflected in the Program Learning Outcomes. For more information on the use of Generative AI in Teaching and Learning, please refer to the Generative Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning webpage.
Please consult the Degree Level Expectations when considering what the program learning outcomes will be. If departments require additional assistance in the development of program learning outcomes, please contact: iqap@mcmaster.ca.
Appendix A and Appendix B list the Degree Level Expectations (UDLEs for undergraduate; GDLEs for graduate, respectively) which are a requirement for students who graduate from McMaster University. In section 1.4, the department was asked to list all the program learning outcomes. This section requires departments to explain how the program learning outcomes meet or exceed the Degree Level Expectations. Please be sure to address how the program addresses each of the DLEs listed below.
Undergraduate DLEs |
Graduate DLEs |
Depth and Breadth of Knowledge |
Depth and Breadth of Knowledge |
Knowledge of Methodologies |
Research and Scholarship |
Application of Knowledge |
Application of Knowledge |
Communication Skills |
Communication Skills |
Awareness of Limits of Knowledge |
Awareness of Limits of Knowledge |
Autonomy and Professional Capacity |
Autonomy and Professional Capacity |
A table can be used to assist in demonstrating this alignment, or departments may choose to include a narrative to describe this alignment.
1.6.1 Evidence of Societal/Labour Market Need:
In providing this evidence, the departments should consider the following points:
- Dimensions of the societal need for graduates (socio-cultural, economic, scientific, technological etc.)
- Surveys of organizations, potentials employers and/or professionals in the field.
- Employment rates for graduates of existing and related programs; and
- Employment outlook based on federal, provincial or sector reports (if available)
Consult the MTCU website for additional information when addressing labour market needs.
1.6.2 Evidence of Student Demand:
The department should provide evidence of student demand. This can be accomplished by including:
- The number of prospective student inquiries;
- The number of applications and registrations for this or similar programs; and,
- Surveys of existing students, graduates and/or professionals in the field.
In providing this evidence, consider the following:
- Origin of student demand – local, regional, domestic and international students
- For graduate programs only – the undergraduate or master’s programs from which students may be drawn and the professional interest, if applicable;
- Duration of the projected demand; and,
- Evidence of participation of students and/or their representatives in the program development or approval process.
1.6.3 Justifiable Duplication:
The department should provide evidence of how any duplication or similarity to programs at other provincial postsecondary institutions is justifiable.
The department should consider the following items:
- A list of comparator programs and associated tuition fees at other postsecondary institutions;
- Why adding a new program is justifiable; and
- Evidence that the university has consulted with other institutions regarding the justification of duplication, or potential collaboration.
In providing this information, consider the following:
- Differences between the programs;
- Comments from other institutions regarding proposed new undergraduate programs;
- Comments regarding health-related programs from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care;
- Comments from other relevant stakeholders, as required; and
- The impact of any proposed experiential learning components on experiential learning programs at other institutions (if applicable).
This section is a two-part description which first asks the department to explain:
(1) how the specified degree level (i.e. B.Sc MSc, PhD) is relevant for the proposed program; and
(2) provide a rationale for the proposed program name.