
Departments, Schools, or Faculties are permitted to advertise and promote New Programs as soon as approval from both Quality Council and the MTCU has been obtained. All advertising should honour the McMaster brand guidelines outlined by the Office of Public Relations

In exceptional circumstances and subject to approval by the Provost and Vice-President Academic, a Department, School, or Faculty may announce its intention senate-approved to offer a new undergraduate or graduate program in advance of approval by the Quality Council. When such announcements are made in advance of Quality Council approval, they must prominently display the following statement: “Prospective students are advised that offers of admission to a new program may be made only after the university’s own quality assurance processes have been completed and the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance has approved the program.” Any advertising materials that are used in such exceptional circumstances must be approved before being publicly disseminated. To request special consideration and approval for advance advertising please complete the Request for Advance Advertising Form, append your proposed advertisement(s) and submit the complete package to raham@mcmaster.ca (for New Undergraduate Programs) or cbryce@mcmaster.ca (for New Graduate Programs).

Please note that before the New Program can be advertised, all advertising materials must first be approved by the Office of the Provost.


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McMaster New Program Proposal Guidebook Copyright © by Amy Gullage and Gregory Van Gastel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.